Selected Artists
Christine Bauer
Herbert Egger
Marta Ruiz
This artistic residency is organized by the Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry (ICCI), Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, ranked top 3 university in China, in collaboration with The International Arts and Culture Group (TIAC). The program is tailored to support the specific needs of European artists working in painting, at varying stages of their practice and career. The residency's duration will be of one month, from 15th November to 15th December 2018, in Shanghai and it will house 8 artists in total.
The Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry (ICCI) supports the creative development of artists and promotes exchange through artistic residencies. As an important connecting platform for artists and professionals devoted to the arts in Shanghai, ICCI organizes an artist-in-residence program with the aim to generate cultural and professional exchanges between Chinese and European artists, and uplift the recognition that arts and artists deserve worldwide.
This program will provide the artists with an opportunity to know better Chinese culture, enjoy and participate in the artistic community of Shanghai by visiting exhibitions, meeting Chinese and international artists, and showing their artwork to the university students, collectors, gallerists, curators, art field professionals and art lovers. During the month period, residents will have the opportunity to exhibit their works and learn about Chinese culture and arts, while also developing their art practice and career in China.
Shared studio space
Participation in joint exhibition
Cultural Program with visits to museums, galleries, and other cultural institutions
Open Studio Day
Travel expenses
A stipend for expenses
Materials expenses
Travel and Health insurance
Chinese Visa
Project support
Communication Assistance

organized by
Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry (ICCI)
in Jiao Tong University, Shanghai
in Collaboration with
The International Arts and Culture Group (TIAC)
Collecting Time
The artists in residence are invited to work during this month around “Collecting Time”. As an intangible concept, seems that Time is the only thing we have. We spend it, use it, sell it, enjoy it, suffer it, bear it, feel it... it is becoming the scarcest resource. Time may asphyxiate us and, at the same time, it may allow the next breath. It destroys the solidity of existence, forcing us to experience impermanence and opening up our mind to the uncertainty, but also providing us with the transformation. But, do we control time? Or are we driven by time? Is it an instant? Or does it last? If so, how does it last? How does time define our society? Do we have it? If so, how do we own it? Do we collect time? ICCI and TIAC invite international artists to experiment with the pass of Time in a country where Time seems to go faster than anywhere else in the world, and to reflect on its impact in society.
Because a passion is a temporary experience of eternity.
But really, what is Time?
1-Workspace and activities:
The residence is located in Shanghai Min Hang district, inside the new Zizhu International Education Park, where ICCI is located.
Shared studio space.
Exhibition. Participants will be given the opportunity to participate in a joint exhibition*. In case of sale by any other intermediary, both parties must agree to the conditions. TIAC or ICCI do not charge any commission in this transaction, neither are they responsible for the agreements reached. TIAC and ICCI, upon agreement of the artist, can agree on selecting some extra work from those produced in the residence for the exhibition that will take place during this period.
Cultural Activities. Visits to museums, galleries and other cultural and artistic institutions to interact with the local artistic community.
Open Studio Day. ICCI will open doors and invite arts professionals and students to visit the studios and on-going artists’ works to further create networking, connection and exhibition opportunities for residents.
Arts open discussions. Informal talks to discuss art in China and worldwide will be organized to share thoughts, passions, and knowledge.
*Venue still to be confirmed
2-Accommodation and travel expenses:
Residents are provided with:
Accommodation in Zizhu International Education Park (double room with private bathroom).
A stipend of 6,000 Chinese Yuan (approx. 750€) to cover local transportation and meals.
Materials expenses, with maximum of 2,500 Chinese Yuan.
Travel and Health insurance.
Chinese Visa expenses.
Artworks framing cost for exhibition works.
International flight is included. ICCI offers artists the possibility to provide flight tickets in exchange for a second artwork donated to ICCI, please show your interest and artwork in your proposal.
3-Project support:
Our staff is dedicated to the successful development of the works and implementation of the projects. Assistance and support will be always available in many areas:
Logistics: artworks framing, sourcing materials, local transportation, installation, and access to other resources as required by your project.
Communication assistance.
Residents are required to:
Donate one artwork to ICCI (a second one is required in exchange for the flight ticket.)
Conduct a lecture in English at Jiao Tong University (please, suggest your topic around your practice in a conceptual or theoretical frame within your proposal.)
Bring five artworks for the exhibition (should be carried with the artist in the flight, there are compelling reasons. ICCI will assume the cost of an extra suitcase if necessary, but only in case of a second artwork donated to ICCI.)
Sign a consent to be filmed, photographed and published during the residency (including artworks.)